Thursday, November 3, 2011

Moshi Monsters - How to get Dustbin Beaver

Hey, im going to tell u how to get a realllllly cool moshling his called bustbin beaver and all his info.

Bio: Living in a dustbin is pretty weird but this hair-obsessed heart-throb would be mobbed if he left the stinky safety of his rubbishy pad. Not by screaming fans (or ‘Beleavers’) but by neighbours sick of Dustbin’s high pitched warbling.

Habitat: In a bin on BrashCan Alley. If he’s unlucky, on Monstro City Dump.

Likes: Pudding bowls and blunt scissors.

Dislikes: Garbage collection day and homework.

You can get him by subsribing to or by the new Playmoshi DS game.