Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Moshi Story 5

This nice story was written by Nadine. Thank you Nadine. You are cool!

The story:

Once upon a time there was a greedy little furi.

"Its Christmas!!! Its Christmas!!!" he yelled.
"calm down little one," said mom.
"can I open 53 of them today?" asked furi.
"Now now you only got 20 this year!" laughed mom.
"Only 20! that is ssssssoooooo little even my poor friends got more than that!" complained furi.
"your friends aren't poor! we just have more rox." said mom."And you should learn to appreciate that. "growled mom.
little did he know his mom was a very powerful moshi and had just set a spell upon him. "I’m going back to bed." huffed furi.
and he did. the spell began. he would learn to appreciate what he had by his dream. He slept and was set to whatch a really poor hungry moshi named hunry, Christmas. this moshi had little food no moshlings and rarely ever got a present!
"I'm home!" dada shouted
"how was work?" asked mama.
"Excellent i got a raise! know i get 100 rox a year! cheered dada
"that’s so much" yelled hunry.

Mean while furi was thinking of how poor these moshis were. he noramly get 3000 rox a day!
"So i bought a chistmas dinner!" dada said
i knew i smelled eye-scream!" smiled hunry.
" yup we can all share the scoop" said dada
wow i should really help these people thought furi. i'll start by buying (one of his favourite things to do) every one a Christmas poster.
then he realized he needed to wake up to do this.
so he woke up and told his mom his plan and she smiled. Newnewpoo

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